185th Street provides for important access to schools, residential districts, King Park, Lakeville Fire Station Number 4 and the future Avonlea Community Park. The purpose of this project is to improve roadway operations, enhance the transportation and multimodal network connectivity, make safety improvements (vehicle and pedestrian) and provide for increasing traffic levels.
The proposed project will include:
Construction of 185th Street between Dodd Boulevard and Highview Avenue as a two-lane divided urban roadway including pedestrian trails along both sides;
Single-lane roundabout at 185th Street and Highview Avenue;
Pedestrian tunnel connecting planned trails to the south and King Park to the north
Pedestrian tunnel under Highview
Preliminary Design
(Spring 2022)
Traffic forecasting and analysis
Utility coordination
Stormwater design and management
Public engagement opportunities
Final Design
(Spring 2022 to Winter 2022/23)
Site preparations
Public engagement opportunities
Environmental Review
(Spring to Winter 2023)
Construction updates will be provided regularly to inform the public about what to expect and any changes in traffic routes during the construction process.